Genre: short documentary TV series  
Format: 10 episodes x 10 minutes 
Language: Polish 
Funding: Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Concept & Directing: Weronika Jurkiewicz
Cinematography: André Cruz 
Editing: Weronika Jurkiewicz & Krzysztof Lorent 

Every day we are bombarded with information about the deteriorating condition of the environment both locally, in Poland, and globally. However, young Polish scientists, entrepreneurs and designers are trying to find solutions that may slow down or reduce the impact of climate change on our everyday lives. From refilling stations reducing the use of single-use plastic to small wind turbines that can be installed on balconies, Polish startups are trying to bring eco-innovative solutions to the market, proving that helping the planet can also be economically viable. 

Each of the ten episodes is dedicated to one environmental problem and one innovative solution and introduces leading Polish scientists, community leaders and startup founders. The series aims to raise environmental awareness and help viewers in implementing more eco-friendly solutions into their everyday lives.